The Last Disbeliever is a Satirical, Art-Driven First Person Action/Adventure/Shooter game set in an alternate world, where the US has started a merciless campaign for global domination. It tells the story of an ATF Special Agent Sebastian Arise who was sent to track down a suspicious cargo delivered by a US illegal firearms dealer. You end up stranded near a small village in eastern Europe, being run by a ruthless religious cannibalistic cult. Things start to turn even stranger, as you investigate Imortal emotion sapping Daemons, and even time-travel back to the year 1366 A.D.
It’s not a gung-ho shooter, combat is slower and more tactical, with all out gun-fights best being avoided. There’s a great atmosphere in the game, with a real sense of tension and danger throughout. It’s an intriguing game, that will keep you wondering (and dreading) what will happen next.
Update: This Alpha is no longer available