Untangled: Payback is a brutal and beautifully animated cinematic 2D action platformer adventure that draws inspiration from 80’s action movies as you fight your way through a heavily fortified gang headquarters after a good deal goes bad.
Playing a little like 90’s classics Another World and Flashback, Untangled: Payback is a cinematic action platformer which follows the story of Clyde – a grizzled hero with a handgun and a sweet handlebar mustache. Not much else is known about Clyde at the moment, but it seems that he’s in the midst of a deal gone bad and he’ll now have to shoot his way out of trouble.
The current build of Untangled: Payback is very much an early prototype, developed to show off the character’s moves and the core gameplay. You can play through it in less than 10 minutes and a lot of the game mechanics and visuals are still in development, but even still, the pixel art animation is excellent and the gameplay is a hell of a lot of fun. It’s off to a great start, it’s got tons of attitude and the Vangellis-esque synth soundtrack is absolutely fantastic!
Check Out a Gameplay Video Here
Download The Untangled: Payback Prototype Here (Windows)