Vultures: Scavengers of Death – Alpha Demo

Vultures: Scavengers of Death is essentially what would happen if you took the classic Resident Evil games and turned them into tactical turn-based adventures.

Taking place in Salento Valley after a bio-hazard incident, Vultures: Scavengers of Death is a tactical turn-based horror game inspired by the 90’s Resident Evil games. You take control of an agent as they embark on missions in a ruined city overrun with mutants.

The environments, mutants, retro PS1 styled visuals and items scavenging are all very Resident Evil, but the way you play is quite different. Character movement is mouse controlled and you can move, perform actions and inspect things as much as you like when you’re not engaged in combat, but when a mutant spots you then the gameplay switches to being fully turn-based, with you able to use a limited amount of movement points and action points each round. You can aim for different parts of the mutant’s bodies, and you can even blast off limbs.

It can feel a little unfair if you’re up against more than two mutants at the moment and some more attack options would be nice, but it’s a very promising game. It does a great job of nailing the 90s survival horror vibe and infusing it with new ideas. It also manages to deliver a remarkable amount of tension for a turn-based game.

Download The Vultures: Scavengers of Death Alpha Demo Here (Steam)